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With interdisciplinary, world-changing teachers like Einstein, Descartes, 和 Socrates, St. 约翰的学生在任何领域都具有竞争优势. 访问我们的十大赌博正规平台在线
在白宫工作了近15年后 纽约时报, where she served as deputy international editor 和 bureau chiefs for West Africa, 南亚及约翰内斯堡, 丽迪雅Polgreen was named editor-in-chief of HuffPost in 2016; in early 2020, 她成为了Spotify播客工作室Gimlet的总经理. 2022年,莉迪亚回到了英国 纽约时报 作为观点专栏作家. She received the 2006 George Polk Award for foreign reporting 和 the 2008 Livingston Award for international reporting.
Joshua Rogers is the founder 和 Chief Executive Officer of Arete Wealth, financial investment entity within the Arete family of companies. He is an elected Board Member with oversight of the university’s Finance, 投资, 和审计委员会教授创业学. 约翰的安纳波利斯和圣菲校区.
Shannon Hateley, Ancestry公司的高级科学家.com
Shannon Hateley is a computational biologist 和 senior staff scientist at Ancestry.com. She received her PhD in Molecular 和 Cell Biology with a designated emphasis in Genomics 和 计算生物学 from the University of California, 加州大学伯克利分校.
Anika Prather,活水学校创始人
Anika Prather is the founder 和 creator of the Living Water School. 受到萨德伯里民主模式的启发, Living Water is based upon the idea that students should be responsible for 和 direct their own learning. She received her PhD in English 和 Literacy 教育 from the University of Maryl和.
Mark Stephen Meadows, Botanic 科技nologies首席执行官
马克·斯蒂芬·梅多斯是Botanic 科技nologies的创始人兼首席执行官, which designs personalized chatbots 和 3D avatars for Fortune 100 clients such as Skype 和 Logitech, 政府机构也是如此.
Sean Di Ianni, COO/联合创始人,喵狼
Sean Di Ianni is COO of Meow Wolf, world-renowned interactive arts space in 圣达菲. There, he oversees organizational structure, systems, 和 logistics. Recently, Meow Wolf announced its expansion into Denver, Las Vegas, 和 DC. 喵狼被命名为 时间的 现在世界上最值得做的50件事,排名第四.
Before becoming President of the University of Florida, Ben Sasse served as a U.S. 内布拉斯加州参议员, serving on the following Senate committees: Judiciary; Armed 服务; Joint Economics; 和 Banking, 住房, 及城市事务. Ben Sasse earned a PhD in American history from Yale 和 at age 37 became president of Midl和 University in Fremont, 内布拉斯加州.
奥马尔Manejwala, MD (A93) is an international expert 和 speaker in the fields of addiction 和 mental health. 他是 渴望:为什么我们似乎总是得不到满足 目前担任Dario健康的首席医疗官. 他是2018年St. 约翰书院校友会.
Pressure Analysis Company designs 和 manufactures wireless impact sensors that detect 和 track direct impacts with accuracy. Their SmackCAP Athlytics™ is a skullcap for athletes in contact sports that tracks every hit, 每一次. One of 15 companies chosen to pitch at SXSW’s 2016 科技Co’s StartUp Night, 它是科技Co年度创业公司的决赛选手.
罗伯特一个. 乔治,彭博意见编辑委员会
罗伯特一个. 乔治是彭博意见编辑委员会的成员. 他之前曾在《十大赌博正规平台在线》上发表过文章, 纽约邮报, 赫芬顿邮报, 和国家评论, 等.
辛西娅凯珀尔 Hellman,核物理学家
汉普顿大学的核能教授, 量子和医学物理学, Keppel is a group leader at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. Among Keppel’s many professional accolades is a National 科学 Foundation CAREER Award 和 a 2019 Distinguished Lecturer on the Application of 物理 award from the American Physical Society, 她是哪里的一个家伙.
Salvatore Scibona is a novelist 和 short story writer who has been nominated for the National Book Award for his 2008 novel 结束. 他的新书, 志愿者他的小说于2019年出版,经常出现在《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》上 《十大赌博正规平台在线》——他还发表了一篇十大赌博正规平台在线书叫《我学会阅读的地方.”
Shawn Watts is the associate director of the Edson Queiroz Foundation Mediation Program at Columbia 法律 School. 俄克拉何马州切罗基族公民, 他开发并教授了一门关于美洲原住民和平的课程, 一种传统的争议解决方式, 他在纽约市民事法庭做过调解, 哈莱姆小额钱债法庭, 以及调解与冲突解决研究所.
塞西莉亚·沃森的新书, 分号:被误解的标记的过去、现在和将来,获得了 《十大赌博正规平台在线》, 纽约时报, 波士顿环球报等等. 沃森目前是巴德学院的驻校学者, worked at the Max Planck Institute for the 历史 of 科学 和 Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, 德国, 拥有芝加哥大学的博士学位.
Jamaal Sebastian-Barnes, Global Head of Talent Acquisition, Novartis
2016 - 2019年, 贾马尔·塞巴斯蒂安-巴恩斯曾在谷歌工作, where he helped lead the worldwide effort to discern the ethics of artificial intelligence. 现在, 他是诺华公司数字人才招聘的全球主管, an international healthcare company with a focus on rethinking 和 transforming medicine.
Devendra承包商,建筑师 & DNCA创始负责人
Devendra承包商的获奖建筑公司, DNCA, was selected as the designer of the New Mexico Museum of Art’s new Vladem Contemporary, an annex dedicated to contemporary art 和 art education in 圣达菲. Contractor’s designs come alive in the galleries of 圣达菲’s Railyard 艺术 District 和 in some of Albuquerque 和 圣达菲’s most celebrated contemporary residences.
Shannon Hateley, Ancestry公司的高级科学家.com
Anika Prather,活水学校创始人
Mark Stephen Meadows, Botanic 科技nologies首席执行官
Sean Di Ianni, COO/联合创始人,喵狼
罗伯特一个. 乔治,彭博意见编辑委员会
辛西娅凯珀尔 Hellman,核物理学家
Jamaal Sebastian-Barnes, Global Head of Talent Acquisition, Novartis
Devendra承包商,建筑师 & DNCA创始负责人
St. 约翰在媒体工作
The Johnnie Chair是一个关于St. 约翰的大学.